16 jul 2010

Quiere que la remplace

O eso es lo que Cheryl quiere.Debido a la malaria no podra volver a X Factor hasta Octubre y quien mejor para reemplazarla que su compañera y amiga Kimberley Walsh.

Los medicos le han pedido que se tome 6 meses de descanso,para poder recuperarse totalmente y poder retomar su trabajo pero segun un amigo "Esta deprimida , no para de llorar "

Joan Callaghan ( madre de chezz ) esta furiosa con los directivos de X Factor, ya que el dia que ocurrio todo ellos pensaban que ella estaba de resaca y no se dieron cuenta de que realmente estaba mala.

Ahora ella no permitira que su hija no vuelva hasta que este al 100% .
Or that's what Cheryl quiere.Debido to malaria may not return to X Factor until October, and who better to replace his colleague and friend Kimberley Walsh.

The doctors have asked him to take six months of rest to recover fully and be able to return to work but according to one friend "is depressed, does not stop mourn"

Joan Callaghan (Chezz mother) is angry with the directors of X Factor, as occurred throughout the day they thought she was in a hangover and did not realize that he was really bad.

Now she will not allow her daughter did not return until it is 100%.

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