14 ago 2010

Seguira siendo Cole

Segun se ha revelado,Cheryl no tiene planeado cambiar su apellido Cole por Tweedy ya que es conocida en toda Europa por su apellido de casada y esto podria causar confusion entre el público.

Aunque se venia diciendo que ella iba a tomar la decision de ponerse solo su nombre en el proximo disco en solitario ella quiere mantenerlo ya que ese apellido a estado acompañandola durante la época mas importante de su vida.

Parece ser que el single saldra en octubre,esperamos confirmacion!
As has been revealed, Cheryl has no plans to change her name because Tweedy Cole is known throughout Europe by her married name and this could cause confusion among the public.

While saying she would leave to take the decision to put only your name in the next solo album she wants to keep her surname as that accompanied during the later period of his life.

It appears that the single will be released in October, waiting for confirmation!

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