31 ago 2010

Preparandose para el nuevo album!

Segun un amigo de Cheryl,ella se encuentra ahora mismo preparandose fisicamente para su nuevo album.

Chezza ha vuelto a los gimnasios para retomar su forma fisica y aunque ella sabe que no sufre de sobrepeso,pero si necesita tonificar su

cuerpo ya que para el proximo disco ira acompañado de unas fotos en las que luzca poca ropa y necesita estar perfecta.

La sesion de fotos esta planificada para dentro de unas semanas.
According to a friend of Cheryl, she is now physically prepared for their new album.

Chezz has returned to the gym to regain his fitness and although she knows that he is overweight, but if you need toning

body and that for the next album will be accompanied by some photos that look little clothing and need to be perfect.

The photo session is planned for a few weeks.

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