17 may 2010

Single Life got Cold

Está canción fue el tercer single de SOTU. Una balada con personalidad. Con este single consiguieron que el disco reentrara al Top 20, y aumentaran las ventas sustancialmente.

Consiguieron ser #3 en los charts, y esto le valió un nuevo record. Ser las primeras artistas, en conseguir con sus 3 primeros singles, la posicion #1, #2 y #3 respectivamente.

Estuvo a pocas copias de diferencia con el numero 2, y eso en parte se debió, a que el cd2, no se puso a la venta, hasta una semana despues.

Destacar que el single salió con 2 caras b. "Girls on Film" que posteriormente se incluyó en la reedicion de SOTU. Y "Light, music, camera, action" en la version casette.

Lanzado el 18 de agosto de 2003
This song was the third single looped. A ballad with personality. With this single got the disc re-enter the Top 20, and substantially increase sales.

They got to be # 3 in the charts, and this earned him a new record . Be the first artists in achieving their first three singles, the # 1, # 2 and # 3 respectively.

It was a few copies of each other with the number 2, and that was partly due to the cd2, no went on sale, up to a week later.

Note that the single came with two sides b. " Girls on Film "which was later included in the reissue of looped. And " Light, music, camera, action "on the cassette version.

Launched on August 18, 2003


WWTNS 2005

TOTP Saturday

Pop Beach

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