11 may 2010

No habra linea de moda

Los ultimos rumores apuntaban a que Cheryl podria sumarse a las famosas con lineas de moda.
Daily Star sugirió que sería una colaboración con la boutique Kitson LA,esto le serviria para lanzarse en el mercado Americano y ser mas conocida.

Pero un portavoz de Cheryl ya lo confirmo:"Son solo eso,rumores.No hay nada de cierto"
Latest rumor has it that Cheryl could join with the famous fashion lines.
Daily Star suggested that it would be a collaboration with the boutique Kitson LA, this would serve to launch in the U.S. market and be better understood.

But a spokesman for Cheryl and I confirm it: "They are just that, there is no truth rumores".

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